The Kurt Kinetic Road Machine trainer is by far the best trainer I have used. I have had it for several years now and have logged over 1,500 miles on it. It is performing just as good today as the day I bought it.
It is very consistent in its resistance and I have never had any trouble with the resistance unit. Kurt Kinetic claims the resistance unit is 100% leak-proof; I believe them. You can see in the picture below where the tire-wear is visible on the roller. It is a wider track because I randomly adjust the left/right position of the tire on the roller from time to time. Although the roller shows visible wear after 1,500 miles, there is no surface wear that I can detect. It still feels very smooth to the touch. I see no signs of any leakage from the resistance unit and it still rolls very smoothly.

As mentioned above, I am easily able to shift the position of the tire left/right on the roller. The same mechanism that allows me to adjust the tire position also allows for very quick removal of the bike while on the trainer. I regularly put my bike on and off the trainer and have had no trouble with any of the attachment mechanisms. Here are some photos of bike attachment points:

In the video I posted on YouTube (here), you can get a good idea of how the trainer sounds. What is interesting is that it doesn't sound that loud when I have it inside on the carpet. I am wondering if it only sounds as loud as it does in the video because of the concrete floors of the garage. In any case, I do not think it is as loud as other trainers such as the magnetic trainer I had before it.
Over all, the Road Machine trainer is of excellent quality. I am confident I will get many years of use out of it and wouldn't hesitant to purchase another one. This trainer has provided me with many miles of accurate resistance and I am still enjoying it today.